
011010 - a milestone

Guess, i won't be posting much bout workout for the time being since according to my new employees, my work hours (i don't like calling it office hours .. lol) going to be very long and even have to work on sat full day. and I will have inconsistent evening jobs as a videographer. So that means I won't have time for gym... but .. but .. but... i won't be using that as an excuse for not working out... at home that is.....

I'm going to start the day, everyday at 5am with a 700 reps crunch and follow by a 1/2 cardio to start the day.. and end the day with 1/2hr body part workout with another 700 crunch before bed... will b saving up for a home gym station... hopefully soon so i can start pounding it everyday at 5am :P muahaha.....

anyways... i'll prove that "no time" is just an excuse for not living healthy... it might take a little which to get use to the routine but i figure, if i have the will, nothing is impossible.. it goes to every1 too... u 1st have to want it... i don't wanna end up like a lot of corporate ppl who sacrifice health over wealth and in return doing a charity by paying the doc's wages in the future... and to every1 who reads this blog, keep going, even 1/2 hr a day of exercise is enough to keep u healthy... il do my part to get d momentum running so when i come back, i hope il serve as a motivation to my readers to keep exercising.. u don't have to be as fanatic as i am.. just a borderline everyday 1/2 hr to pump that heart.. cheers.. all the best.... BONG


  1. Great job for you. I'm into fitness also, and for me having that kind of achievement is priceless and it can motivate me more.

  2. Thanks Vitamin b12, its always good to hear that i've inspired someone out there.. its my number 1 goal to inspire people that they can get great physique by going natural.. iv a all fitness blog which i just started. feel free to visit http://gettingfitwithbong.wordpress.com
