
GNC L-Arginine 500

Well, most of the time our N.O. Supplements supply 2000mg of these babies but since i've not been working out at the gym, i decide to give these babies a go. Famous for its "Cousins" who penetrated into the world of bodybuilding through "MuscleTech, Gaspari Nutritions...etc" L-Arginine is a type of Amino Acid which helps to increase N.O. synthesis, reduces healing time of injury, hasten repair time of damaged tissues and decrease blood pressure. But one word of advice, I've checked a lot of websites and logs and non have failed to inform everyone to "NOT TAKE AFTER A HEART ATTACK"

I've just taken 2 tabs for the time being.. today's the 3rd.. it's a little costly buying at GNC but right now, there is no one selling it or even supplying this raw "L-Arginine" .. as I was saying, most of them are sold blended with other ingredients... so I'll see how things goes from here...

This bottle here don't supply much @ 500mg per tab and the prescription says 1 tab per day. so don't over dose just yet if ur very new to all this kinda supplements. I think it's much too light for my case since i've been using the likes of "Gaspari Nutrition Superpump 250, VPX Shotgun V3, Nutrex Hemorage".... but i'm still sticking to the dosage stated....

Here's a link to know more


  1. when do you take it?i mean do you take it before workout or after workout?

  2. Putra435 - I take it 1st thing in the morning on non workout days and pre-workout on workout days since it works similar to a Nitric Oxide.. hope this help. I've moved to a new blog. visit me here - gettingfitwithbong.wordpress.com

  3. alright thanks,im sort of new in this body building stuff

    1. No worries. just don't rush and let the momentum take its course. patience is the game and play safe
