
Know Thy Self!!

Before you start anything... anything at all. What is the most important thing you need to do?.... Set a Goal! Live the Goal! and Work towards the Goal! That way, nothing anyone can do will bring you down because you've already know what you want. It's the same with setting a fitness goal. If you want to be slim then work towards it. If you wanna be toned then imagine how tone u want yourself to be. It may not seem to be perfect in every1 opinion or taste but if it's what you set out to do, go towards it without straying.. unless of course if you have reached your goal and you think you wanna have another. If every1 have the same taste, then this world would be very boring indeed with every1 looking the same.

from personal experiences, the 1st person to condemn you would be the person closes to you. No more than the reason because they are so used to you being you and the changes could mean a threat to the friendship or relationship. Probably the new diet plan, workout routine, and even less night out cause your body need the rest would mean less time spent with them.

Then there are the "brothers" when i say brothers, it doesn't necessary mean best friends, buddies or real blood brothers. It's a term i use for people with the same goal, hobby or activity. Competitiveness could sometimes lead to jealousy and envy. They would throw all sorta comments at you trying to put you down. I've received numerous comments like your chest out of proportion by one and not more than 2 minutes later another gym member came up to me and practically drool over my chest and hope i can share some workout tips.. so don't let one person's judgment put u down straight.. trust what you see in the mirror. if you like what you see, don't let them discourage you.

And of course, not to forget parents... hahahaha.... yes... i remember my mom was so worries that im ruining my health cause of my diet and she's troubled cause i eat less portion. but the thing is how can i get gastric when im eating 6 - 11 meals per day...

what the world need to know is, "ONLY YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT" if others think you are ugly but you see beauty in front of the mirror, WHO GIVES A D**N! set that goal and work towards it. If anyone gives a constructive advice and its logical, evaluate it, don't be affected by it and if its the truth, take it, if it's not, then thank them and continue on...

1 comment:

  1. We set our own standards & we're confident of what we have achieved.
    We dont have to prove anything to anyone except ourselves!
    Way to go Bong!
