

280309 - 2150 hr, just 20min after turning on all the electricity in the house.. well, to be exact, 10 mins cause I spent the 1hr chatting with my housemates out in the dark livingroom.. time well spent i'd say. anyhow, withing the 1hr, I notice, the street lights are still on, the corridor light of the condo is still on, every single other units lights r still on... lol... well, guess the marketing failed to touch Malaysians... lol...

but I would say, that the earth hour is just plain crap... WHY? cause if these people are really concern about the global warming, why have the special hr in a certain year to have it done? Like valentine... if all gals have to wait for their bf to treat them to something special at a specific date of the year.. and it only happens once a year.... I think all the gals would die of hunger.. Y be romantic only once a year? everyday is valentine, Everyday is Earth hour... heck.. every sec is Earth second......

so people.. don just wait for 280309, 8:30 pm to care for mother earth.... its just someones' marketing tool to get u to do what they want... hahaha.... who knows, then they will call another Earth Week.. where we save the world by not having sex for a week so to cut down on over population... lol.....

but even if I think of such... I still support the "EARTH HOUR" rally cause I believe if everyone do their part to save mother earth even by one hour... and I mean, literally the whole world... we are already giving ourselves a chance to live.

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