
Building the base

It's common lately that every 1st question I get is "Are you taking those Powders?" "You got to where you are with supplements right?" "Ah shucks, I've to spend a bomb on supplements to look like you eh?" ... and so on and so forth.......... 1 word... my answer... "I didn't believe in supplement when I 1st started" lol

I got to where I am today without taking any supplement when I began. I have witnesses and proofs that i didn't take even the simplest of simplest... the whey protein till 2009. And that was after i've made research and studies on supplements. What are the benefits and side effects? How our body would react to each supplement? And found that it's not the whey protein that is building our muscles. The protein is merely a substance that aids in our body's recovery after much pounding in the gym which cause lactic Acids to builds up around the muscles. without good recovery, our body can't function properly to maintain and build the hard earn muscles being build up couple of hours earlier. Ever heard of muscle building sleep? So I merely took supplement to aid my recovery and not using it as the base of my bodybuilding. There is a difference.

My history? well, not advisable to do what I do as I went through lots of injuries for starting out too young.. after lifting weights for 5 years i turn to bodybuilding for 5 years before i stopped 9 years and returned in 2009. After working out in the gym for 3 mths, I went out to grab my 1st tub of protein. And in between I've tried 7mths without supplement and i've managed to maintain my physics with just daily food. (Daily food = natural food to fulfill my diet program) and proper workout program.

So DON'T treat Supplement as the only source and Base to bodybuilding towards a good physics.. Eat RIGHT, Workout REGULARLY, and rest SUFFICIENTLY!


  1. Absolutely right, We should eat riight, workout regularly, and rest sufficiently for healthy living. Keep it up.

  2. People these days are very much used to the QUICK FIX with minimal effort mindset.
    They think that they can get a certain result by just popping a pill or learning the latest techniques without putting in the time & effort to work hard.
    Thus, a mentally weak society.

  3. Calotren - Thanks .. u too ya :)

    Ah Kam - yeah, mana have turned to the quick fix method due to laziness... o sum who turns to certain substance for quick results... bt hopefully the society will c the importance of health...

  4. Thanks for d info,wil luk in2it.bt i doubt i can get it in malaysia:(
